S 041 Hörsturz - acute hearing loss
Views: 15518.
Duration: 00:52.
Uploaded on: 23/02/2010.
Durch extreme Schallwellen können Sinneshärchen im Ohr zerstört werden. Die Folge: In dem geschädigten Frequenzbereich wird der akkustische Reiz nicht weitergeleitet.
The cochlea is filled with a watery liquid, which moves in response to the vibrations coming from the middle ear via the oval window. As the fluid moves, thousands of "hair cells" are set in motion, and convert that motion to electrical signals that are communicated via neurotransmitters to many thousands of nerve cells. These primary auditory neurons transform the signals into electrical impulses known as action potentials, which travel along the auditory nerve to structures in the brainstem for further processing.